What’s on

Facebook Live services can be found on Worship in Church page , and the service sheets can be downloaded from the PDF icon


Sunday June 23rd

WHEATON ASTON ARTS GROUP EXHIBITION on July 20th from 10.00am – 4.00pm in St, Mary’s Church, Wheaton Aston. Come along and see this wonderful exhibition of art, crafts and photography all created by local artists. Refreshments available.


TINIES, TODDLERS & TOYS every Monday from 10.00am to 12.00 noon. Our new, all faiths and none, session welcomes anyone responsible for, plus children 0 to 5 years. Swap clothes, toys etc., or share helpful hints and tips. Meet and make new friends or catch up with old ones. Tea, coffee and toast available, adults will be responsible for the children they bring. More information from Karen on 01785 841170. Please note there will be no Tinies,Toddlers & Toys on May 6th and 27th due to Basnk Holidays.

WHEATON ASTON DROP IN every Wednesday at 10.00am in St. Mary’s Church, Wheaton Aston. Come along for coffee and chat

PLACE OF WELCOME every Thursday at 10.00am in All Saints’ Church, Lapley. Join us for coffee and chat. PLEASE NOTE Places of Welcome will be closed on December 28th.

WESTON DROP IN every second Thursday at the Institute Rooms at 100.00am. Coffee and chat.

BLYMHILL DROP IN every fourthThursday at 10.00am in Blymhill Village Hall. Coffee and chat!

FAMILY PLAY on the first Thursday of the month at 10.00am in Blymhill Village Hall. Mums, dads, aunties, uncles, grandmas, grandpas and carers come and enjoy a cuppa and chat while the children play with the toys.

TEA & CHAT on the fourth Thursday of the month at 2.00pm in Old School Court. “Come as strangers, leave as friends” Everyone is welcome to join us for tea (or coffee!) and chat. More information from Val on 01785 841000